Sunday, September 1, 2013

What's the Point of Yoga

Why do you do yoga? This can be a simple or in depth question for you. You may just have a physical practice or it may be a deeper experience for you. If you are new to yoga you may be wondering what the heck I'm talking about.

Yoga is a vast practice. There's a lot to it, much more than just the asana's or poses that you practice in class. Generally people are drawn to yoga through the physical practice, but what they find if they keep their practice up over the years is so valuable.

In order to have an all encompassing yoga practice it must reach all of your kosha's, for review on specific kosha's see my earlier blogs. Our bodies are made up of physical, emotional, energetic, philosophical and spiritual bodies. In order to have a balanced body, we need to have a balanced yoga practice.

A balanced yoga practice should include the following. If you are new to yoga, don't feel stressed about making sure your practice has all these aspects. Start with one and add in the next as you are ready. It is best to do one well before adding another.

The physical: Learn your poses and learn them well. Proper alignment is essential to an injury free practice. Know your physical limits. Don't do a pose if you aren't ready for it or if you have a health issue or injury that would make practicing the pose unsafe.

The energetic: This is your breath. Make sure not to hold your breath in an intense pose. Keep a regular breath, even inhale and exhale even when your heart rate goes up and you are working hard. This type of breathing takes practice to master so be patient. Your breath gives you life and energy. If you don't have a good yoga breath your practice can leave you feeling fatigued rather than energized at the end of class.

The emotional: What are you thinking about during your practice? Are you leaving your day behind and giving yourself the gift of being present? If your mind is anywhere but on our practice you may as well not even be on the mat. One of the beautiful things of yoga is the fact that it pulls you out of the past or future and puts you in the present moment. You can't worry about things if you are being present and this gives your mind a much needed break.

The philosophical: Yoga is old, it's been around for thousands of years and has a deep philosophical background. If you are interested in learning more about it check out the Yoga Sutra's by Patanjali. There are many versions out there, ones that go deep into the Sutra's and others that just give you the basics. Reading about these will give you a deeper understanding of yoga and maybe adjust your views on why you practice.

The spirituality: If you are religious you can bring that into your practice. If you aren't you can bring in a sense of a higher being. Life is easier to manage when you aren't carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. By believing in a higher power you allow that weight to be carried by someone or thing else. It allows you to let go and just hope for the best.

Wherever you are in your practice is perfect. Where you choose to go with it is up to you. Your practice should leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed both physically and emotionally. Over the years your practice will change and you will find yourself incorporating new aspects of it. Wherever you are on your yoga journey enjoy the beauty that it brings.

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