Monday, September 16, 2013

Roll Out Your Mat to Sucess

I went to the Grace Potter concert this weekend with my husband. If you  have never seen her in concert, or heard her music, you are missing out. One of the things that I love about her is her spunk. When she is on stage she gives it her all. It doesn't come off as a fake act, but as someone who is genuinely in love with what she is doing.

I'm always inspired when I see her. She makes me want to dust off all my old ideas that I let go of and give them another try. Making it in the music business is no small feat. It takes hard work, determination and a strong will to stay true to yourself. This rule applies to everyone, no matter what you are trying to achieve.

Self doubt and frustration can stop anyone from achieving all that they want. The difference between someone who is successful and someone who isn't, is believing that they can do anything and not being nieve that it will always be easy. When self doubt creeps into your life it can wreck the best laid out plans.

Whether your plans are simple, like to start a daily yoga practice, or bigger such as getting that career you've longed for, you need a plan. Just thinking about things in your head won't bring anything about. You have to write it down and make it happen. Start with the small stuff and work your way up. There are times when I'm horrible about my daily practice, especially when my schedule gets hectic, but that is when I need it the most. Even if I can only practice for 5 minutes, that time I give myself, along with the satisfaction of knowing I'm sticking to my plan to practice every morning makes my day better.

We all hit a wall, I'm sure that Grace Potter hit many, but we need to go on. Success isn't handed to you, you have to achieve it and work for it. You have to dust yourself off when you get knocked down. I once read that implementation is the key to success. Every day you must work towards your goal, even when you don't want to. You have to define what success is to you and then plan out the steps to get there. The space you create on your yoga mat offers you the time to think about your life and put it into perspective. It calms your mind so that you can think clearly, it allows you to let go of judgments and builds encouragement. It's like having a daily meeting to check in on how your plans or life is going.

When you are stuck, roll out your mat and decompress, it will get the creative juices flowing. As you move through your practice set an intention. Perhaps it is to think about what your life plan is, what are your goals and how can you get there. One sun salutation at a time you will get closer to where you want to be.

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