Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Koshas

My training in yoga therapy is based on the five Koshas. What is a kosha you may ask? Imagine that our bodies are like onions, we are made up of layers. Each layer represents a part of us. When one of these layers gets out of whack, it will inevitably affect the other till they are all out of balance. This lack of balance is disease (disease here is used as a broad description of anything that is wrong or painful within the body, this can include emotional issues).

In order to cure or lesson the disease you have to work your way through the layers. For example you get tension headaches, have for years. You may start on the physical layer, the Annamayakosha. Your probably getting headaches because you slouch. Your core muscles are weak.

Next you might move to your breath or energy level, the Pranamayakosha. Since you're slouching you can’t take in a full breath, this leaves you fatigued so you reach for that cup of coffee which perks you up for a bit, but then later leaves you crashing.

In the first two levels we see what physically is going on and leading to our fatigue and muscle tightness, but let’s think about why we may be really slouching. I have a very strong core with my yoga practice but I can slouch like the best of them. This lead me to investigate the next level, my mind or the Manomayakosha.

Generally when you look at people, those who look like life has beaten them down, they show it in their posture. On the other hand, those who love and really live life, they stand up tall. So if you are slouching, take the time to check in with your mind. What’s going on in there? Are you reliving that fight you had with your spouse or co-worker? Are you holding on to some emotional patterns that have been there since childhood? This level can be a deep one and may take some serious digging. Speaking with a good therapist to help figure things out may be in order.

Now I know what I’m thinking, but why am I thinking it? That brings us to our wisdom or Vijnyanamayakosha. What do I believe? Do I believe I’m a good person, that I’m worthy? Am I happy sitting at my job for eight hours a day? Am I fulfilled? Even though we may not be thinking these things out loud or even at the front of our consciousness, the thoughts are still there and they will have an affect on our bodies and our emotions. Figure out your beliefs, if they are negative, work towards changing them.

Finally we are brought to our spiritual or Anadamayakosha. This isn’t necessarily God, but perhaps just believing in a higher power. Having this belief gives us strength, it gives us company knowing we aren’t tackling the struggles of every day life all alone. Even us hermits like to know we aren’t always flying solo. If believing in a higher power isn’t your thing, find a group of people that believe in the same things that you do. Find support in numbers.

Whatever your path is through the Kosha’s, whatever level you start on, the end result is the same. Finding what it is that is causing your pain. It’s almost comparable to a splinter, you know something is in there irritating you, now you just have to find out what it is. Yoga Therapy gives you the tools to do that. Awareness is one of the first steps to healing, but don’t be fooled that once you figure out all the reasons for your tension headaches that it will be fixed. These layers took your whole life to appear, they won’t go away now that you suddenly are aware of them. You have to be willing to work. So pick a layer and have patience and persistence.

More on the individual Kosha’s to come.

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