Monday, July 29, 2013

Pranamayakosha: The Energetic Body

One thing that seems to be pretty consistent in our world today, at least here in the US, is our lack of energy. If you look at a typical set of magazine ads or grocery store shelves you will see energy drinks, supplements promising more energy, super foods, etc. Although some of these are legitimately healthy for us, they won’t necessarily provide what is needed for a permanent energy boost.

A balanced flow of energy is essential for good health. Our energy body is made up of the pranavayus (flow patterns of energy in the body), nadis (energy channels) and the chakras (energy centers, picture spiraling colorful energy balls). Our breath is the bridge that connects these energy centers with our physical body. If you aren’t breathing properly, for example when you are stressed you tend to take short rapid breaths, you aren’t providing a proper bridge for the energy to get to your body. This can leave you tired and your body stressed. 

Have you ever noticed when you are tired how you sigh or yawn a lot? This is your body’s way of asking for more air, more prana. For those of you that take a yoga class, once you start the deep breathing do you notice how alive your body feels as well as your mind?

Our breath has a direct relation to our mind and body. The pranavayus, nadis and chakras are an in depth subject that will be covered in later blogs. These practices are great ways to help connect the breath to your body giving you more vitality that doesn’t come from a bottle or a pill.

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