Friday, July 26, 2013

Balance Your Life, Balance Your Body

Balance Your Life, Balance Your Body

It’s five, you just got out of work. You have to run to daycare to pick up your kids, head to the grocery store to get something for dinner and then head home where chaos will ensue till all the kids are in bed. By then it is late and you are beyond tired. The last thing on your mind is working out. At this point, the guilt of not working out will eat at you, perhaps a lot or just for a bit till you turn on the TV and get lost in the latest episode of your favorite show.

This routine may work for a while, but over time it can wear on you. First you may begin to notice that your clothes are getting tighter or that you seem more tired than usual. Your anxiety levels may increase and you snap more at the kids or your spouse. You’re beginning to see that what you subsist on isn’t really working for you. You’re just maintaining. Your life isn’t balanced.

The art of distraction and persistent busyness can pull your attention away from issues that are arising in your body and mind. We can easily say I’m too tired or that I’ve just got too much to do to go to the gym. The reality of it is, is that we are all busy. The difference is some of us choose to make time and others choose to just trudge through and feel sub par. Next thing you know you’re in your 40’s/50’s and you have all these health problems. Wouldn’t you rather make the time now for your health then look back when it’s too late and wonder why you didn’t?

To avoid overwhelming yourself start small. Take 5-10 minutes out of your day to go for a short walk or take one class a week at your gym. Notice the difference in your weekly routine and mindset when you add these simple things. Perhaps when you are ready and convinced you can spare the time take it up a notch. Make it a half hour walk or two classes a week.

Take time to figure out what is taking up so much of your time. How often do you check your email, text, surf the internet or watch TV? If you add up all that time I bet you will have plenty of it to carve out for a walk or class.

Let your family and friends know that you are going to be starting this new fitness routine. You are more likely to do it if you tell people that you are. Perhaps you will even gain some support and encouragement to go to class or get company on your walks.

Start now. Don’t delay till tomorrow or next week. Finish reading this then head out the door or grab your calendar and schedule your gym class. You’ll thank yourself when you go to your next physical.

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