Thursday, February 6, 2014

Don't Let Excuses Ruin Your Health

There's a circuit class at my gym that I love to take. I've been going for about a year now and have gotten to know a few regulars. By now they know that I teach yoga and they've begun to talk with me about it and mention that they've been meaning to try it. When I ask them why they haven't taken a class yet I get a variety of excuses, ranging from I just don't have the time, or I can't find an intro class, etc. The list is endless. My theory is, like Nike says, Just Do It.

The teacher in me tends to watch other students in my circuit class. I can easily see how tight and restricted most of them are. They're working on strength and cardiovascular, but their muscles are so tight that their bodies are being pulled into a slumped position. Yoga is a great compliment to strength training. It helps to balance out the body putting us into a healthy posture. More and more people are coming to realize this, but yet they still find ways to talk themselves out of going to a yoga class

Part of this is due to the fact that when you think of yoga, you picture the slender, usually female, bendy student contorting herself into all kinds of crazy postures. A lot of advertising has gone into debunking this myth. Yoga is for every body. More and more studios are catering to the average person as there are more of us than there are yogi stars.

So what's your excuse? Perhaps you've tried yoga at this point, but do you practice regularly? Do you have an injury and rather than switch the type of yoga you do, you just let it slide? There are so many obstacles to having a regular practice. If we choose to let the hectic pace of our lives determine our health, we're all bound to end up aging not so gracefully. The choices that we make on a daily basis regarding our health will have a life time of impact. If your body is telling you to do yoga, it's in your best interest to tell your mind to do so.

Next time you find yourself making an excuse not to go to a yoga class or roll out your mat at home, stop and question it. Are you tired? Yoga will actually help rejuvenate you. Just do a slower practice to fit your energy level. Are you rushed for time? Do a short practice. Just ten minutes on the mat will make a difference in your body and your day. Do you have an injury? Modify your practice. Just because one part of your body is hurt, doesn't mean the rest should suffer. Did you already go to the gym? Yoga will help to stretch out the sore muscles and keep your posture healthy. Are you in a bad mood and just want to slump on the couch in front of the TV? Perhaps you've had a fight with someone and you're upset? Yoga is great for clearing the mind of unwanted emotions. Do a practice that focuses on your breath and letting go of your thoughts. Do a slow deliberate practice.

No matter how I've felt, either emotionally or physically, my yoga practice has always made me feel better. There are times when I make myself roll out my mat and sit in child's pose for five minutes before I summon the energy to move to another pose. But I'm on my mat and I always feel grateful after my practice that I did it.

Whether you're stalling going to your first class or just rolling out your mat for a regular practice, stop to think why you're making an excuse. See if it's valid. Push through it and go to that class or roll out your mat. I think you'll be happy with the results.

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