Monday, January 20, 2014

Controlling the Chaos

Looking back at the times in my life when I felt overwhelmed or things just kept falling apart, I noticed the one thing lacking. My yoga practice. When I say yoga, I don't necessarily mean just the physical practice, but the practice of being in the moment. No matter how hard we try to control our life, with to do lists and plans, chaos still ensues. It's just part of life. Taking the time to slow down and do something deliberate can have a major impact on the pace of your life.

Bringing order to our life is good. But it doesn't completely solve our persistent problem of never having enough time to get it all done. Living under the belief that if we make it through today, tomorrow will be better, is a good way to set yourself up for disappointment. Believing that tomorrow will be a better day is good, as being optimistic is always better than the alternative. However, if you put all your belief in the fact that tomorrow is going to be the day when it all falls into place and then it doesn't, well we all know how that feels.

I'm a firm believer in looking for the positive in situations. But what I believe in more is seeing the reality. The reality of my life is that it's very busy. If I sit around and dream about the day when my life will slow down, where I can leisurely enjoy a yoga practice every morning, I'm going to live a life of never being present. Constantly wishing my life is something different than what it is isn't living. It's simply existing.

It's no surprise that we often feel overwhelmed. Running from one errand to the next, going to work, cleaning the house, plus our endless to do list. It's easy to let this schedule consume you. Instead of enjoying what you're doing in the present moment, you're stressing about what needs to get done next. You're missing out on a moment in ten years you'll wish you could get back. Maybe not going to the grocery store, but that coffee you had with a friend or watching your kid at practice. Being present in these situations allows you to fully enjoy them. Not to mention the person you're spending it with will enjoy you more if you're fully there.

There is always the option of changing our lives to be what we want. But that typically takes time. During that time, what you do with your life is up to you. You can choose to day dream all the time, waiting for your perfect life to arrive, or you can make the best of what you have. Living in the moment is more fulfilling, even if our life isn't perfect. Don't live for tomorrow, live today. Cherish each moment, even if it's in a chaotic moment.

Embrace your chaos. Take the time to figure out the things in your life that will always be hectic. Don't fight those things or try to change them, but run with them. Chaos is energy, get caught up in it and enjoy it for all it's worth. Don't think about how it's draining you, but find ways to enjoy it. Find the things that you do have control over and slow them down to an easier pace. By embracing the chaos and slowing down what you can in your life, you'll find balance. Letting chaos control you makes you feel weak and worn out. Working with and embracing the chaos makes you feel empowered. Think of a surfer riding the perfect wave. Instead of fighting it, he's going along for an amazing ride.

The next time you have a ton of places to go, make a point not to rush. Instead of mindlessly driving like a madman to get from one place to the next, enjoy that time in the car to either listen to your favorite music, a book on tape or have a genuine conversation with whoever is in the car with you. Notice how much better you feel when you get to your destination if you don't rush. The world will not end if you are a few minutes late every now and then.

Consider breaking your day into sections and be sure to live each part fully. If you find your mind wandering to what's next, bring it back. Chaos can only consume you if you let it. If you feel your day getting out of control, stop and take a few deep breaths. By deliberately slowing down you gain back control over your day.

Even if you can only get in a ten minute practice each day, a regular yoga routine allows you to stop and be present. When we're in the midst of a busy day, it's hard to slow down. However if you take a few minutes to find your breath and do a few stretches to work out the stress, you're better prepared to face the day. Finding peace in the chaos allows you to enjoy the hectic pace of your life more.

Chaos will always be in our lives. How you chose to live with it can drastically effect your life. If you fight it, it will only consume you. If you embrace it, you have control over it. Let go of the stress and enjoy the ride.

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